Our company also specialises in studies and researches in Applied Geology (Engineering Geology – Hydrogeology – Geophysics – Management of Water Resources – Environmental Protection – Search for Groundwater, etc.), which are classified according to the classification system of the Ministry for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport & Networks (MDCITN), (Law 716/77, Law 3316/2005 και Law 3164/02-07-2003), in the category 20 of Public Works Studies.
In particular our company possesses the necessary scientific and technical personnel, as well as the required equipment and facilities for executing studies relating to:
- Geological – Hydrogeological – Hydrological Reconnaissance.
- Geological, Hydrogeological and Hydrological investigations and mappings.
- interpretation of aerial photographs and satellite photographs.
- Site investigation in terms of engineering geology and hydrogeology.
- Trial and sampling boreholes.
- Electrical resistivity and seismic refraction methods of investigation for geological formations.
- Foundation ground seismic risk analysis.
- Seismological history recording and analysis of a project site.
- Geophysical Investigations.
- Seismicity Studies and Seismic Risk Analysis.
- Seismotectonic Surveys – Studies.
- Microzonation Studies.
- Studies of Geological suitability for urbanization Areas.
- Engineering Geological Studies in Road Projects.
- Rocks Identification and suitability studies for building and decorative stones, and skid resistant pavements aggregates and concrete.
- Quarries – Mines Studies.
- Studies of Environmental Rehabilitation of Quarries.
- Geological Mapping of Underground Works and Caves.
- Rock Quality Designation – Rock Mass Classifications (Terzaghi, Deere et al, Lauffer, Wickham et al (R.S.R.) Bieniawski (C.S.I.R.), Barton et al (Q – N.G.I.), Bouvard et al (A.F.T.E.S.), Swiss Specifications SIA 198 – SIA 199, New Austrian Tunnelling Method (N.A.T.M.), Pacher et al, etc.).
- Stereographic Projection Diagrams – Potential Slips.
- Engineering geological investigations for highway projects.
- Locations of building and decorative stones.
- Quarry and mining investigations.
- Rehabilitation and reclamation of quarries.
- Location and delineation of underground water resources.
- Karstic hydrogeology.
- Saline water intrusion in aquifers.
- Control of saline water intrusion.
- Protection from pollution of underground aquifers.
- Electrical Resistivity method for underground aquifer location.
- Borehole development and water drilling tests.
- Borehole construction specifications and water drilling costs.
- Well Maintenance – Rehabilitation.
- Methods of construction of shallow and deep wells.
- Water quality criteria.
- Monitoring of groundwater quality.
- Quality classification and suitability of ground water.
- Integrated Computerized System for Management of Underground and Surface Water Resources.
- Systems for artificial recharge of ground water (Hydrogeological viewpoint).
- Logs of water appearance points and Hydrological Water Works.
- Search / Evaluation of Borrow Pits- Disposal Site – Quarries.
- Petrographic and Mineralogical Analysis.
- Issues of Geological Studies.
- Compilation of Common Geological – Geotechnical Assessment Reports.
- Writing of Specifications for Engineering Geological & Hydrogeological Projects and Works.
Example of successful implementation of a Hydraulic – Hydrogeological Project