(Leading industry standard computer programs (software) for Geotechnical Engineering, Structural EngineeringSoil Mechanics, Rock Mechanics, Foundation Engineering, Hydrogeology & Water Resources Management – Modelling, Geophysical interpretation, Drafting & Design, Databases, G.I.S., etc). |
Executives and personnel of Geodomisi Ltd. have profound and extensive experience in the use and programming of leading industry standard specialized computer programs (software) which analyze and solve any problem on Structural Analysis and Design – Detailing, Geotechnical Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Rock Mechanics, Foundation Engineering, Finite Elements, Bearing Capacity, Landslides, Slope Stability, Deep Earth Retaining Structures, Pilling, Tunnelling, Engineering Geology, Water Resources Management, Hydrogeology and Hydraulic Engineering, accompanied by the appropriate drafting programs.
For the following specialized software packages, programs and suites of programs, we have the unrestricted use:
AUTOCAD 2012 | Auto CAD Release 2008. For Windows. C.A.D. |
AUTOCAD 2012 Land Development Suite | AutoCAD Release 2008 for Windows. Surveying and Civil Engineering Suite. |
SketchUp 8– Pro | SketchUp 8 – Pro is a 3D modeling program for applications such as architectural, civil and mechanical engineering, and structural design |
3D-STUDIO | 3D-Studio For Windows. C.A.D.SketchUp 8 |
DIGITIZE – ROCKWARE | Digitizing Programs for Windows: Point Digitize, Polygon Digitize. |
GEOKIT | Package following AutoCAD for Windows. |
GRAPHICS HARVARD FLOW | Statistical and Graphics package. |
MICROSOFT PROJECT 2012 | Project Management and Supervision package. (Gantt Charting, Pert Charting, Calendar Charting, etc) |
SURFER 8.00 for WINDOWS | Contouring and Statistical Package for Windows. |
CADRE | Statistical Regression analysis program for Windows. |
GRAPHER | Statistical analysis program for Windows. |
CURVEF | Program for Curve Fitting for Positive Data Pairs. |
PERT | Time Programming Software. |
ARCWIEW (G.I.S.) | ARCWIEW for windows. Geographic Information System (G.I.S.) Addmatch – Maplewd – Neweng. |
ARCINFO V10.1 (G.I.S.) | ARCINFO V10.1for windows. Geographic Information System (G.I.S.). |
3D DMR GIS in Aster | Geographic Information System (G.I.S.) |
MAPMAKER | Map MAKER for windows. Geographic Information System. (G.I.S.) |
LANDSCAPE EXPLORER | Landscape Explorer for windows. Combination of Geographic Information System. (G.I.S.) and 3-D map maker. |
PROSECT – ROCKWARE | Vertical Projected Cross Sections – Horizontal Plan View Cross Sections – 3D Projected Cross Sections. |
ROCKWARE LOGPLOT | Borehole Analysis, Design, Graphics, Presentations. |
GeoStudio 2013 Universal Suite | GeoStudio 2013 Universal Suite for windows, like:
STEREO V. 1.0 | Schmidt Stereo Net projections program. |
WULF | Wulf Stereonet Projections program. |
RESISTIV | Geoelectric Curve Interpretation Program. |
WEDGE | Program according to Hoek and Brown for 2-D stress Analysis by the boundary element method. Plane strain conditions, Fictitious strip loads. |
Examine3D Rocscience software Suite 2013 | Examine3D- A 3D computer-aided engineering analysis package for underground excavations in rock. |
Phase2 Rocscience software Suite 2013 | Phase2- 2D finite element program for calculating stresses and estimating support around underground excavations. |
RocData Rocscience software Suite 2013 | RocData- Strength analysis of rock and soil masses Using the Generalized Hoek-Brown, Mohr-Coulomb, Barton-Bandis and Power Curve failure criteria. |
ROCFALL Rocscience software Suite 2013 | ROCFALL is a statistical analysis program designed to assist with a risk assessment of slopes at risk of rockfalls. Energy, velocity and “bounce height” envelopes for the entire slope are determined by the program as is the location of rock endpoints. |
RocPlane Rocscience software Suite 2013 | RocPlane- Planar sliding stability analysis for rock slopes. |
RocSupport Rocscience software Suite 2013 | RocSupport – Rock support interaction and deformation analysis for tunnels in weak rock. |
Slide Rocscience software Suite 2013 | Slide- 2D limit equilibrium slope stability for soil and rock slopes. |
Unwedge Rocscience software Suite 2013 | Unwedge- A 3D stability analysis and visualization program for underground excavations in rock containing intersecting structural discontinuities. Safety factors are calculated for potentially unstable wedges and support requirements can be modeled using various types of pattern and spot bolting and shotcrete. |
SWEDGE Rocscience software Suite 2013 | SWEDGE – Hoek and Bray Plane and Wedge failure analysis Program. Surface WEDGE analysis. Probabilistic analysis of the geometry and stability of surface wedges. |
DIPS Rocscience software Suite 2013 | DIPS – Data Interpretation Package using Stereographic projection. Plotting, analysis and presentation of structural data using spherical projection techniques. |
ROCSUPPORT Rocscience software Suite 2013 | ROCSUPPORT – RocSupport is an easy to use software tool for estimating deformation in circular or near circular excavations in weak rock and visualization of the tunnel interaction with various support systems. |
Settle3D Rocscience software Suite 2013 | SETTLE3D – Settle3D is a 3-dimensional program for the analysis of vertical consolidation and settlement under foundations, embankments and surface loads. |
FOLDS | Tectonic analysis program. |
BIENIAWS | Program for Rock Classification, according to Bieniawski System. |
LIQUEFAC | Program for Computation of liquefaction risk of Soils. |
TUNNEL CUBUS AG Zurich (For Windows XP) | Static calculation of foundations, trenches and tunnel walls with finite element method, graphical introduction elastoplastic materials, construction phases, friction elements interfaces, elements with curved boundaries, rock mass analysis, lining, anchorages, initial stresses, groundwater, creeping, core support or load support method, deformations, stresses, subsidence – settlement, failure calculation, developer: RIB GmbH. |
TUNNEL1 | Program for computation of axial loads to tunnels in soils. Terzaghi Method. |
TUNNEL2 | Program for computation of static and seismic loads to the roof and sidewalls of a tunnel in rocks, according to Hoek and Brown method. |
ROCKSLOP | Rock Mechanics Slope Stability Analysis Program according to Hoek and Bray Method. Development of program in FORTRAN77, by Dr. C. Sachpazis, at Newcastle University, UK and the National Technical University of Athens. |
FIRSTMIX | Program for Concrete Mix Design. |
ARCLDDSW | Archon Engineering Design loads Program. Program for estimation of Design loads: Seismic, Wind, Snow, Impact, Live loads, Special loads. |
GEOLOGISMIKI Geotechnical Engineering Software Suite | GEOLOGISMIKI – Geotechnical Engineering Software Suite:
Foundation Ground Improvement Engineering software and programme suites: |
Indicative list of Tunnelling Engineering software and programme suites: |
Indicative list of Soil & Rock Mechanics software and programme suites: |
Indicative list of Structural Engineering software and programme suites: |
Constructalia – Steel framed Structures Design Software: | A3C 2.00, ABC v3.02, AC Ε-1.8.2, ACOBRI v3.16, ACP-102, AC Ρ-VI .0.2, AMECO VI .01, ANGELINA V2.01, CoP Light ArcelorMittal Edition 1.0.2, CoP2_1.5.6_AM, Durability 2_4_0_5, HZMAZ Stresses, INERD_1_0_0, MACS+ V2.06.3, OZone V2, PortalPlus 1.00, Sheetpiles |
SOILSLOP | Soil Mechanics Slope Stability Analysis Program according to Bishop-Morgenstern Method. Development of program in FORTRAN77, by Dr. C. Sachpazis, at Newcastle University, UK and the National Technical University of Athens. |
GFS2Dv1.5 | Soil Slope Stability Analysis and Design Package. |
SLOPE (DELFT) | Slope Stability Analysis Package. |
SLIDEBC | Rock and Soil Slope Stability Analysis Program. |
Z_SOIL_v3.2 | Analysis Tool for Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics. (Finite Element Analysis). |
LARIX – 4 G CUBUS AG Zurich (For Windows XP) | Integrated Package for analysis and design of Anchored Sheetpile Excavations and Trenches Walls, simulating any kind and complexity of soil strata, water pressures and loads, in accordance with EUROCODE 7 – ENV 1997-1. The module offers the analysis of supports of excavations with and without ground anchors for structures like sheetpile walls, diaphragm walls, secant pile walls or soldier beam pile supports (Berlin−type walls). Construction phases can be simulated close to reality. |
LARIX – 4 S CUBUS AG Zurich (For Windows XP) | Integrated Package for analysis and design of Slope Stability, simulating any kind and complexity of soil strata, water pressures and loads, in accordance with EUROCODE 7 – ENV 1997-1. LARIX-S performs global stability analyses for slopes, embankments, excavations, retaining walls and nail walls using the method of slices. |
LARIX – 4 M CUBUS AG Zurich (For Windows XP) | Integrated Package for analysis and design of Anchored Retaing walls, simulating any kind and complexity of soil strata, water pressures and loads, in accordance with EUROCODE 7 – ENV 1997-1. LARIX-M allows a detailed analysis and design of retainig walls and nail walls. The parametrized input covers gravity walls and cantilever walls with toe, heel and one ore more ledges. |
BEARING | Program for Bearing Capacity Computation of Foundations in Soils. |
BEARCAP | Bearing Capacity of Foundations Package. |
GEOSUITE | Bearing Capacity calculation and graphics Package – Correction of Blowcounts (N – Number). |
SETLCON | Consolidation Settlement Computation Program. |
SETLELST | Elastic Settlement Computation Program. |
RETWALL | Program for Computation and Design of Anchored Retaining Walls. |
WALL | Program for Computation and Design of Retaining Walls. |
SWELL – ROCKWARE | Program for Swell analysis. |
ARCHON SOFTWARE | Archon Engineering Programs for Analysis and design of Retaining Walls and Drainage (Runoff Calculations – Channel Capacity Calculator – Culvert Capacity Calculator – Storm Drain Inlets and Grates). |
SIEVE | Sieve analysis program for Grain Size Distribution Curve Plot. |
ATTERBERG & CENTRIFUGE | Atterberg Limits calculation Package. |
DRSW | Archon Engineering Drainage Program. Program for estimation of Runoff Flow of medium sized to small hydrologic basins. |
G.M.S. BOSS Groundwater Modeling System GMS | GroundWater Modeling System Package (Finite Element Analysis – FEMWATER – MODFLOW – MODPATH – MT3D). Most complex and accurate package in the world. Programme from the Department of Defense Groundwater Modeling System (GMS). The GMS interface was developed by the Engineering Computer Graphics Laboratory of Brigham Young University in partnership with the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. GMS was designed as a comprehensive modeling environment. Several types of models are supported and facilities are provided to share information between different models and data types. Tools are provided for site characterization, model conceptualization, mesh and grid generation, geostatistics, and post-processing. The interface for GMS is divided into ten separate Modules: Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) Module, Borehole Module, Solid Module – 2D Mesh Module, 2D Grid Module 2D Scatter Point Module, 3D Mesh Module, 3D Grid Module, 3D Scatter Point Module Map Module. |
W.M.S. BOSS Watershed Modeling System WMS | The software WMS is a product of the Engineering Computer Graphics Laboratory of Brigham Young University. The WMS interface is divided into six modules: TIN Module, DEM Module, Map Module, Hydrologic Modeling Module, 2D Grid Module, 2D Scatter Point Module |
RiverCAD BOSS RiverCAD Modeling | BOSS RiverCAD is a highly – advanced river modeling engineering application. It has been developed to automate most of the engineering tasks required to model and analyze water surface profiles using HEC-2 and HEC-RAS. BOSS RCAD can be used to compute water surface profiles for modeling bridges, culverts, spillways, levees, bridge scour, floodway delineations, floodplain reclamations, stream diversions, and channel improvements. |
FLONET/TRANS Waterloo Hydrogeologic Inc. | 2-D cross-sectional interactive Groundwater flow and Contaminant Transport Modeling Software package developed by Waterloo Hydrogeologic and the Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research. |
HEC – RAS | Surface Runoff Simulation Modeling System. |
SWMM | Storm Water Management Model. |
HYDROGRAPH – ROCKWARE | Hydrograph generation package. Water level and Precipitation graphing programs for windows. |
HYDROCHEM – ROCKWARE | Piper and Stiff Diagram Plotting. Water Chemistry Reports. |
PIEZO | Hydrogeological program for computing and plotting the piezometric surface of an aquifer. |
SANDDRNS | Program for Calculation and Design of Sand Drains for Acceleration of Consolidation Settlement. |
HYDROLOG | Program for estimation of Maximum Runoff Flow, of various return periods, of Large hydrologic basins, according to the U.S. Soil Conservation System. |
HYDROCULV | Culvert Design Hydrotool Software. |
GEOPUMP | Program for Computation of the parameters of K, S, T, of an aquifer from pumping test results. |
THORNTHW | Program for estimation of Evapotranspiration according to Thornthwaite-Mather method. |
LTURC | Program for estimation of Evapotranspiration according to Turc method. |
MAAGLL | Program for computation of permeability coefficient according to Maag, Lefranc and Lugeon method. |
EARTHQUAKE | Program for history and analysis of all Greek earthquakes (time, location, coodrinates, magnitude, focal depth) since 479 B.C.. Calculation of NEAK Spectrum, Synthetic Spectrum, Accelerogram. |
CONTRUCTOR, ERGO XP SP4 & ERGO 2004 (Πι-SYSTEMS) | Program for Tender Documents, Budget, etc, according to Greek legislation Modules: ΑΤΟΕ, ΑΤΕΟ, ΝΑΤΕΟ, ΑΤΥΕ, ΑΤΕΠ, ΗΛΜ, ΑΤΛΕ, ΑΤΕΚ, ΑΤΑΕ, ΑΤΗΕ, ΑΤΕΒΕ, ΓΕΩΤ, ΒΡΑΧ, ΕΔΑΦ. |
PCASE | Flexible / Rigid Pavement Design Program. |
MODBERG – WORLDINDEX | Worldwide Climatological & Meteorological Data. |
RocLab Version 1.033 Rock mass strength analysis using the Hoek-Brown failure criterion | Πρόγραμμα βραχομηχανικής RocLab Version 1.033 / 08-07-2013, της εταιρείας λογισμικού «Rocscience Inc.», Toronto, Canada, για την Βραχομηχανική ταξινόμηση βραχωδών σχηματισμών, σύμφωνα με το κριτήριο αστοχίας βραχομάζας κατά HOEK-BROWN FAILURE CRITERION – 2002 EDITION. |
Stereograph | Πρόγραμμα Στερογραφικής Προβολής Ασυνεχειών Βραχομάζας. |
RockWorks 2004 | Πακέτο Γεωτεχνικών Εργασιών και Έρευνας Υπεφάφους. |
cbc_32-CORRECT BEARING CAPACITY | Πρόγραμμα υπολογισμού Φέρουσας Ικανότητας εδαφών θεμελίωσης κατασκευών. |
WinGPS Pro. G.P.S. Navigation & Mapping Suite. | WinGPS Pro is a program to assist you in navigational tasks using G.P.S.. WinGPS Pro can calculate tracks, distances and positions. Waypoints are entered into a database and these waypoints can be linked to create routes. Waypoints and routes can be plotted on a tracksheet or on a chart.. |
SeaClear II. G.P.S. Navigation & Mapping Suite. | SeaClear is a PC based chart plotter for G.P.S. Navigation and Mapping techniques. Connected to a GPS, displays the movement on a chart, data on current position, speed, heading and much more. It can be used for Geotechnical Mapping applications. |
COORDS_GR Έκδοση 1.4.4 | Σύστημα Γεωγραφικών Συστημάτων για την μετατροπή των συνταταγμένων όλων των Γεωδαιτικών Συστημάτων. Υποστηρίζονται τα Γεωδαιτικά Συστήματα: α) του παλαιού Ελληνικού Datum (προβολή HATT & ελλειψοειδές Bessel – σύντμηση ΗΑΤΤ), β) το νέο Ελληνικό Datum ΕΓΣΑ’87, (ΕΜΠ = Εγκάρσια Μερκατορική Προβολή & ελλειψοειδές GRS80 – σύντμηση ΕΓΣΑ), γ) το σύστημα των ζωνών τριών μοιρών του ΥΠΕΧΩΔΕ (ΕΜΠ & Bessel – σύντμηση ΤΜ3), δ) το Ευρωπαϊκό του 1950 (με τιμές απόκλισης υπολογισμένες για την Ελλάδα) που χρησιμοποιεί η ΓΥΣ (ΕΜΠ & ελλειψοειδές Heyford – σύντμηση ED50) και ε) το παγκόσμιο του 1984 (ΕΜΠ & ελλειψοειδές WGS84 – σύντμηση WGS84). Είναι αυτό, που χρησιμοποιούν τα GPS. |
Google Earth Pro | Features:
Usage for:
GeotechniCAL | GeotechniCAL is a set of computer and paper-based resources for teachers of geotechnical subjects. These resources are designed to be used within the framework of a university-taught course, to supplement rather than replace other teaching methods, to permit maximum flexibility in the way they are used, to encourage independent learning, and to support different learning styles. GeotechniCAL contains six packages, each designed to address a different aspect of geotechnical teaching and learning. |
Various Operating Systems and Platforms for Servers, etc like: | ESXi v. 4.1 & v.5.0 platform, MS Servers 2008 R2 Enterprise Ed & MS Server 2012 RC, MS Exchange Servers 2010, FTP Servers, Web Servers, Asterisk VoIP Call Centres (Trixbox), NAS storage systems, PLCs, etc, as well as on controlling remotely Servers & WorkStations by using remote access software like remote desktop, VNC, TeamViewer, iLO2, WinSCP for Linux systems, etc. |
PC Operating Systems | WINDOWS 7 Enterprise, Windows Vista Ultimate, WINDOWS XP PRO, WINDOWS NT 2000 PRO, WINDOWS MILLENIUM, WINDOWS 95&98. |
MICROSOFT OFFICE 2007& 2010 | Word Processing – Spread Sheet – PowerPoint – Microsoft Access – PhotoDraw – Outlook, etc |
FINE READER VER. 10PRO | Word Processing with Optical Character Recognition in Greek. |
RECOGNITA PLUS PRO | Word Processing with Optical Character Recognition in Greek. |
PAGIS PRO SUITE MILLENIUM | Word Processing with Optical Character Recognition in Greek. |
READIRIS | Word Processing with Optical Character Recognition in Greek. |
CLARIS WORKS | Word Processing, Data Base, Spread Sheet For Windows. |
QUICKEN | Financial Analysis Tool, for Windows. |
LOTUS 1-2-3 | Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet for Windows. |
LOTUS Organizer | Lotus Organizer for Windows. |
DATABASE | Microsoft Access |
VISIO | Business Charting for Windows. |
PHOTOSTYLER | Photostyler v. 2.0 (ALDUS) for windows. |
PHOTOSHOPCS6 | PhotoshopeCS6 for windows. |
INTERNET NAVIGATORS | Various Internet Navigators, like: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, Prism, Maxthon, OmniWeb, Stainless, Netscape, etc. |