Field Equipment
Geotechnical engineering department of Geodomisi Ltd is comprised not only of the experts the project needs, but also the equipment needed to get the project carried our correctly. Our staff combines decades of technical knowledge with a deep understanding of regional field conditions, and our array of testing equipment is the most extensive in our region.
For Subsurface Exploration our geotechnical fleet is ready to service any project, anywhere in our region. We operate a fleet of nine drilling rigs (3 of which are privately owned) and one all-terrain vehicle, allowing for access to any site regardless of site conditions, in order to perform geotechnical investigation and sampling boreholes and in situ testing. All drilling rigs are fully equipped with the appropriate samplers, casing of various types and diameters, etc. Specialized and appropriate field equipment for In Situ Tests includes pressure meters, inclinometer instrumentation, standard penetration test equipment, dynamic cone penetrometers, plate loading tests, in situ soil density measurements, geophysical equipment for electrical resistivity measurement, ground penetrating radar, shear strength pocket penetrometers, traditional continuous sampling capability and coring, etc.
The drilling rigs our company privately owns are as follows:
- Rotary drilling rig for sampling, type CRAELIUS ATLAS-COPCO D-750, on the sled, with chassis number: 114, motor PERCINS 35 HP, and engine number: 1520, which is in excellent condition and ready at all times for operation. Suitable for vertical boreholes of any direction and inclination. Three cylinder engine, with water pump of max pressure 25 atm, equipped for SPT’s, water pump 20 Atm – Additional 40 Atm pump Atlas Copco ZBA). Equipped with rods of 3.0m in length, Φ54, core-barrels of Τ2-76 and T2-101 series and 89/98, 107/127 casing,
- Rotary drilling rig for sampling, type CRAELIUS ATLAS-COPCO XC 90, on the sled, with chassis number: 702, motor PERCINS 35 HP, and engine number: 5/152, which is also in excellent condition and ready at all times for operation,
- Rotary drilling rig for sampling, type CRAELIUS ATLAS-COPCO XC 90, on the sled, with chassis number: 224, motor PERCINS 35 HP, and engine number: 4700, which is also in excellent condition and ready at any time for operation, and
- Geotron Geophysical Apparatus of Geoelectric Resistivity Meter, capable of transmitting a maximum current of 1000 mA and a power output of 500 W. The operating voltage used is 12 V DC in combination with non-polarized MN potential electrodes. The Schlumberger or Wenner electrode assembly is used.
Our company has also the unrestricted use of a sound and modern electrical, electronic and mechanical equipment, and instruments for in situ fieldwork and measurements, such as instruments for Geophysical Prospecting with Seismic Refraction method, and. Electrical Resistance Method, Apparatus and Equipment for Hydraulic fieldwork and tests (water level meters, compasses, inclinometers, Conductivity meters, Kit for chemical analysis, etc.).
In cooperation with specialized laboratory, which is certified – accredited by the Central Laboratory of the Ministry for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport & Networks (KEDE – MDCITN), Geodomisi Ltd provides its customers with the full range of Laboratory Testing in Soil Mechanics, Rock Mechanics, Concrete, Steel, Material Quality Control, Materials Chemical Analysis (Water, Soil, Rock, Macadam, etc).
Finally, Geodomisi Ltd has at its disposal a complete and modern library of state of the art and leading industry standard computer programs (software) which analyze and solve any problem on Structural Analysis and Design – Detailing, Geotechnical Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Rock Mechanics, Foundations, Finite Elements, Bearing Capacity, Landslides, Slope Stability, Deep Earth Retaining Structures, Pilling, Tunnelling, Engineering Geology, Water Management, Hydrogeology and Hydraulic Engineering, accompanied by the appropriate drafting programs as shown in detail in the relevant WebPage.