
Our Ethics

Adopting ICE Ethics, our global vision:
Civil engineers at the heart of society, delivering sustainable development through knowledge, skills and professional expertise.
Our core values:
Trust and honesty, ethical behaviour and integrity, high standards, quality and professionalism..


Dr. Οdysseus Μanοliadis
Dr. Civil & Surveing Engineer

Dr. Οdysseυs Μanolliadis is a Civil Engineer (NTUA 1988) and Surveying Engineer (NTUA 1980), and a partner of Geodomisi Ltd.

He holds an M.Sc. degree in Civil Engineering (USA-UNH), and a Ph.D. from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece (NTUA), in Engineering Project Management. After ten years of experience in Project and Airport Management in Greece and in the U.S.A. he is now Assistant Professor in the Civil Engineering Department at the Democritus University of Thrace, teaching Economics for Engineers and Project Management for Public Works and Private Projects.

Furthermore, he is a Reviewer at the Journal of Project Management and Economy, and a Reviewer and a board member of the editorial committee at the Journal of Public Procurement. He has also published more than thirty five scientific Papers, Articles and Academic Books / Lecture Notes in the field of Project Management and Construction.

Finally he has carried out numerous Projects in both Public and Private sector in the field of Geotechnical Engineering, Surveying Engineering and Hydraulics. For more details click (pdf)



Our Ethics

Adopting ICE Ethics, our global vision:
Civil engineers at the heart of society, delivering sustainable development through knowledge, skills and professional expertise.
Our core values:
Trust and honesty, ethical behaviour and integrity, high standards, quality and professionalism..